Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hiking Hanging Lake

So this post is waaaay overdue since I actually did this hike about a month ago but it is. Hanging Lake is a hiking favorite for many in this area and I for one try to do it at least once a summer. This year, I did it with someone I never thought I would hike it with, because frankly I didn't know she liked to hike. And truth is, she doesn't--especially after doing it! But I would like to go on record as saying, it was HER idea; she asked me to do it as a part of the 'Amazing Race: Curves version' she was a part of and I happily obliged. It was a beautiful day when we went, not too hot.. perfect. And of course hiking Hanging Lake is always an opportunity for a photo op as you will see :)

We saw some chipmunks on our way up.. they were so cute. And very used to people. I got really close to one and it didn't even bother him.

Gorgeous shot of the lake and waterfall...

Angie and I at the top. She said the last time she had hiked up here was like 10 years ago so we're making history here.. :)

So at the top of Hanging Lake you can hike up around the top to Spouting Rock. I told Angie she didn't have to go up there, but she was such a trooper and went everywhere I went. It was fun.

Spouting Rock. It's actually more of a waterfall than Hanging Lake is..

This is right on the edge of the Hanging Lake waterfall up by Spouting Rock

Angie in the same spot. I love this pic of her :)

So, it was a fun outing. I was proud of Angie for making the long trek up there. Don't think she'll want to do it again for a long time...if ever, but I'm glad we got to do it together once :) And if you're ever in the Glenwood area in the summer, this is definitely something you should do. I've heard of people even doing it in the winter...